
Lily Lion Heart

Thursday 31 May 2012

Hymenocallis harrisiana

This New World genus in the family ( Amaryllidaceae) comprises some 70 to 80 species. The native habitats range from the south-eastern United States across Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Mexico where the genus is prolific. The majority of the species occur in Central America and dip down into South America (Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil).  H. harrisiana comes from Mexico. The strap shaped leaves are glaucous. The flowers have a small scented white corona which look spider-like and airy. Each flower lasts only one night and the fragrance intensifies in the evening. They have a delicate stigma and the anthers protrude out and dangle in the breeze. The blooming period is short lived, however I get a second flush of bloom. This post is for you Anna. Enjoy!

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