I spent the most splendid day yesterday in the garden of Arie Vanspronsen and Lee Bolton. Their garden is a real collectors' garden containing alpines, hardy cacti, succulents, saxifragas, woodlands plants, trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials. The scree beds were built, and designed by Arie. He has also built a greenhouse which houses many cuttings of various hardy Cactus species, which will be planted in his new cactus bed scheduled to be built in July. Looking forward to returning to see the new cactus bed.
Troughs of cacti, succulents, and conifers |
Scree bed built by Arie with many choice alpines-Soldanella, Lewisia, Leontopodium. and Pelargonium endlicherianum in background top right |
Scree bed- Thymus, Buxus, Opuntia |
Saxifraga sieberi |
Buckiniczia cabulica a gorgeous statice from Afghanistan which is monocarpic |
Sempervivum cultivars with Orostachys spinosus |
Beautiful lace-cap Hydrangea |
Cotinus- Smoke Bush |
Echinocereus reichenbachii- hardy cactus species in the scree bed |
Scree bed that Arie created. The greenhouse in the background. |
Scree bed with a lovely Edraianthus graminifolius, Heterotheca jonesii, Campanula sp. |
Delosperma modderpoort- a gorgoeus cultivar from Holland, which I am coveting |
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Bouquet of Clematis 'Roguchi', and C. 'Princess Diana' |
Campanula punctata |