
Lily Lion Heart

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Oddballs, and spiny things!

Last Sunday June 7th we held our annual show, another stunner, where the oddballs came out to play, and compete. I always enjoy showing plants and participating. It was another successful show, with remarkably beautiful, and bizarre plants. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and for me they are all beautiful.

Neoporteria gerocephala

Ariocarpus kotschlibeyanus

Huernia sp.

Orbea variegata

Trichodiadema bulbosum

Euphorbia millotii

Close up of bird singing amidst the cherry blossoms on the bonsai container

Pachypodium lamerii crest ( Best succulent in show)
Euphorbia unispina


  1. Love the stapelioids!!! So exotic looking!!

  2. They are a fascination group of plants from small to large velvety rich flowers, with an often smelly presence.
